How Does Your Body Act During The Initial Week Of Pregnancy

Although the unborn infant spends approximately 38 weeks in the womb, the typical length of pregnancy (gestation) is 40 weeks. This is due to the fact that pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the woman's last period, rather than the date of conception, which usually occurs two weeks later.

There are three trimesters in a pregnancy:

  1. From conception through 12 weeks, the first trimester lasts.
  2. 12 to 24 weeks are included in the second trimester
  3. The third trimester lasts from 24 to 40 weeks of pregnancy.


Conception occurs when the woman's ovum (egg) is fertilized by the man's sperm. Gender and hereditary features are determined at that moment.

What happens during the initial weeks?

This is your menstrual period, and it will last for a week. Because your expected birth date (EDD or EDB) is determined from the first day of your last period, this week counts toward your 40-week pregnancy even though the procedure for the pregnancy has been initiated. 

Symptoms of a Week Pregnancy

During the first week, keep in mind that the symptoms you're feeling are typical of your period because you're not actually pregnant. These symptoms might last anywhere from three to seven days and include:

  1. Bleeding in the cervix - Your body is losing the uterine lining, which was built up in preparation for a pregnancy.
  2. Cramps and soreness in the lower back - Your uterus contracts to discharge the lining, causing pain in your back and abdomen.
  3. Bloating - Hormonal fluctuations might cause bloating before and during your period.
  4. Headache - Many women experience menstrual migraines, which are also caused by hormones. (What a surprise.) Ice packs, over-the-counter pain medications, and relaxation exercises may help alleviate pain.
  5. Cramping - As the embryo attaches to the uterine wall, women may experience minor discomfort. Women may experience cramping in their abdominal, pelvic, or lower back. Cramping can cause a tugging, tingling, or pricking sensation. Some women may experience mild cramps, while others may have intermittent discomfort that comes and goes on for a couple of days.
  6. Moods fluctuate - Hormone surges can also create irritability and disrupt your emotions.
  7. Food compulsions or aversions
  8. A more acute sense of smell
  9. The metallic aftertaste in the mouth

Those symptoms though begin during the first week, they tend to continue throughout the pregnancy. 

Belly at 1 Week Pregnant

Inside your 1 week of belly, your body is removing last month's uterine lining and forming a new one that will hold next month's fertilized egg.

Human eggs are the body's biggest cells. An egg is about the size of a pepper fleck. Your body will release one (or, in rare cases, two) eggs between days 10 and 19 of your menstrual cycle—roughly 14 days before your next menstruation. After that, it is further fertilised once the sperm meets the eggs and the process of implantation begins. 

Pregnancy Checklist gives focus on Week 1 of Pregnant

  1. Quit bad habits including smoking, drinking, and consuming too much caffeine.
  2. Every day, take a prenatal vitamin containing 400 mcg of folic acid.


Each woman's pregnancy symptoms are unique. During the initial two weeks of pregnancy, some women may have symptoms such as spotting or a headache. While few experience the symptoms mentioned, others do not. The easiest method to know about the pregnancy is to take a pregnancy test. Healthy behaviors and the health of your baby go hand in hand during pregnancy. As you consider conception, take the time to prepare your body for maternity.


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