How can one support the friend who is undergoing Medical abortion?

There is a number of women, those who have an abortion and those women have friends. The friends often do think about what can be done or how can they support their friend after having an abortion. This blog can help you find the ways which can help to have an abortion. 

Don’t assume

There are a number of mouths open when someone has an unplanned pregnancy. Also, there may be those people who talk about your friend and hence you are suggested to trust your friend. Know the situation and do understand her situation. Make sure that your friends’ comfort while you discuss the things and do assure that she can find faith and strength. 

Make sure you are gentle, even while discussing contradictory part

People do have different views and so may you have. Hence, you are asked to not demean her beliefs regarding her decision. Even though if you do not stand with her in her decision to make sure that you do tell her sweetly and explain the reason. 

It’s the decision of her and does make her realize

Whatever the decision is made by her it’s her decision. The decision related to pregnancy is the decision of women and you must not try and even not anyone else do influence her decision. Make sure that you do make her realize that it is completely her decision. 

Do make sure that she has all the needful things

While having abortion number of things are required and do know whether your friend does have all the required things or not. In case if she requires her anything to help her. You can even help her buy online Abortion Pills or do help her purchase all the necessities such as maxi pads and MEDs to encounter the side effects. 

To help her know about the pregnancy centers

If your friend does choose to have an abortion do make sure that you do help her choose the pregnancy center. Make sure that you help her chose the center which does not have a crisis. 

Help her understand the pregnancy process

If your friend wishes to have an abortion, then do help her know about the pills. Make sure that you do help her know the process which helps to have an abortion. Also, do make her know about the MEDs and the pills which can help to counter the side effects.

Remind her about the follow-up sessions

After your friend has an abortion does help her remind the follow-up sessions. Having a follow-up session is an important part so that it can help women to know about the successful abortion. Make sure that after 2 weeks you do remind her about the follow-up session.


After discussing everything you can come to know the reason behind unplanned pregnancy. Ask your friend to make the use of contraceptives rather than purchasing online Mifepristone pill. Make sure that if you do make use of some method do suggest her. This can help your friend to prevent unplanned pregnancy.

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