Having an unplanned pregnancy? No worries, use Mifeprex

Women those who are pregnant either can continue with the pregnancy or can terminate it. If you choose to continue with the pregnancy, you can take all the measures and care to continue with the options. Women those who prefer termination need to choose from medical termination and surgical termination. Most of the women are now aware of medical termination which helps in terminating the unplanned pregnancy and these medicines are the best one which helps. Women order online Abortion Pills and choose to have a termination at home so that they can maintain the privacy of termination.

Steps to use Mifeprex pill alone

Mifeprex contains Mifepristone 200mg and this is a pill which it is used alone, they too can help you get the successful results. You need to use 3 pills of this termination pill so that it can help you terminate the pregnancy. You need to use each pill by maintaining an appropriate gap. This medicine will make the uterus lining to shed and then dispel the fetus from the body.

Step to use Mifeprex in combination

If you are using Abortion Pills in combination then you need to first swallow Mifeprex pill. Being an anti-progesterone pill, it helps to block the pregnancy hormones which are responsible for the growth of the pregnancy. Once the growth of pregnancy gets affected the fetus gets separated from the uterus. After 24 hours you are supposed to administrate Misoprostol 4 pills and this prostaglandin pill helps to dilate the cervix and contract the uterus to dispel the fetus. These Abortion Pills help women to have a safe and successful termination of pregnancy.

Importance of the gestation period

It is necessary that before you buy online Mifeprex, you have an ultrasound test to confirm the gestation period. Gestation period plays an important role to have a termination as this helps to know the exact length of pregnancy. Even after having abortion having an ultrasound test helps you to make sure that your pregnancy is completed been terminated.


If you are a breastfeeding mother and want to terminate the pregnancy, then make sure you seek advice from the doctor as there are chances that this medicine can pass to the infant via breast milk and result in diarrhea. You need to cross check with your healthcare provider that you do not have any of the chronic health issues which makes you unable to have a medical termination. Also, if women have the intrauterine device in the body, she is supposed to remove the device first and then use the Mifeprex pill for termination.


Mifeprex should not be used with other medicines as this medicine interacts and results in side effects. Consuming alcohol and smoke should be strictly prohibited as this can result in heavy bleeding or any other side effects. While on this termination pill you need to avoid indulging in sexual activity as these results in infection. Also indulging in physical labor can lead to heavy bleeding and hence at least for 2 weeks you are suggested to avoid indulging in physical labor.

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