Generic Pristiq

Generic Pristiq

Pristiq to treat unframed state of mind

Pristiq is also acknowledged as Desvenlafaxine supplement that is significant component of the drug. This medicine is assist to one who is suffering from depression or dejection.It comes under the category of antidepressant pills termed as selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI), which also comprises venlafaxine and duloxetine. Cheap online Desvenlafaxine is a dynamic metabolite of venlafaxine, which is a product of venlafaxine that is created through the body from venlafaxine.This drug directly distresses neurotransmitters, the substance which edicts and make by the nerve inside the brain that help to converse with each other. Neurotransmitters move through the gap available between nerves and assign to the receptors on the closest nerves or they can assign to receptors on the place of those nerves, which manufactured them and actually occupied by the nerve and liberated again. This going on process denoted as re-uptake.

Manufacturer: Zydus Healthcare

Availability: In Stock

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Generic Pristiq 50mg

No of Units Price / Unit Price Free Bonus  
30 Pills $1.90 $57.00 -
60 Pills $1.70 $102.00 -
90 Pills $1.60 $144.00 + 10 Pills Free
No of Units Price  
30 Pills - $57.00
60 Pills - $102.00
90 Pills + 10 Pills Free $144.00

Generic Pristiq 100mg

No of Units Price / Unit Price Free Bonus  
30 Pills $2.40 $72.00 -
60 Pills $2.20 $132.00 -
90 Pills $2.00 $180.00 + 10 Pills Free
No of Units Price  
30 Pills - $72.00
60 Pills - $132.00
90 Pills + 10 Pills Free $180.00

How the Desvenlafaxine works

Any disability occurs in the neurotransmitters lead to depression, which widely accepted by all the medical professionals. Two main neurotransmitters released through the brain’s nerves in this re-uptake process are called Serotonin and norepinephrine. Thus, to restrict the system of re-uptake that releases serotonin and epinephrine, Desvenlafaxine has been used. Because uptake is a significant structure for eliminating discharged neurotransmitters and dismissing their deeds on contiguous or nearby nerves, therefore this pills decreases the uptake mechanisms, which rises the consequences of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. Thus, as to locate the importance of this medicine, FDA declared their approval offering with 50 to 100 mg quantity limit.


While consuming pristiq you can keep meal as an option, but taking it with full stomach means with meal acts well to response. Take the medicine wholly without mashing and chewing. It is highly recommended to take this medicine daily, but not more than 50 mg. The prescription is mandatory in this case.


Desvenlafaxine is only advisable to delight extreme depression cases as it’s directly affects the nerves of the brain. You must not take pristiq if you are pregnant or going under breast feeding phase.Facing any kind of extreme health complication,consult a physician for the dosage prescription.


To avoid any harm, pills must be kept in a moderate temperature of 20 C and 25 C (68 F and 77 F) in a tight container and away from exposure to sunrays, air, and small children.

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