Baby development begins

Finally, by the third week of pregnancy, you have your kid inside you after only two weeks. Your egg had merged with the sperm the week before. Fertilization and implantation take place throughout this week. It's so early that if you're 3 weeks pregnant, you could not even realize you're pregnant. The fertilization occurred only a few days ago, and there hasn't been enough time for you to miss a period in week 3 of pregnancy. 

Symptoms of Pregnancy at 3 Weeks

Symptoms may not have arrived yet if you are 3 weeks pregnant. That's because most early pregnancy symptoms are produced by pregnancy hormones, and you probably don't have a lot of them in your system yet. (But don't worry, you'll get there!) The following are some indications of pregnancy at 3 weeks and in the weeks following:

Bleeding after implantation

If your little soon-to-be embryo has already arrived, you may notice some spotting as the fertilized egg burrows into the lining of your uterus.

Breast alterations

As your body prepares to make milk, your breasts may get painful, and your nipples may color.


As the pregnancy hormone hCG begins to circulate through your newly pregnant body, you may have queasiness—or nausea so severe that you puke. Morning sickness should be referred to as all-day sickness because it does not discriminate based on the time of day. If you're experiencing this pregnancy symptom at three weeks, you may be further along than you expected.

Missed menstruation

If your cycle is generally shorter than 28 days, you may notice you're pregnant before the end of this week. The only way we can be sure is if we pass a pregnancy test.

Implantation will take place this week

Your developing baby has passed through the Fallopian tube and is beginning to deposit itself in the uterine lining. At this period, 15 to 25% of women will suffer implantation bleeding, which is mild bleeding that occurs six to twelve days after conception. You may also have implantation cramps.

Your growing child

Your developing baby is a tiny ball of cells (called a blastocyst) that is proliferating and burrowing into the lining of your uterus. The cells in the center will develop into the embryo. The cells on the outside will develop into the placenta, a pancake-shaped structure that supplies oxygen and nourishment to your baby while also carrying waste away.

Self-Care Suggestions

The third and fourth weeks of pregnancy are a bit of a waiting game. Continue to take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting some exercise, and remaining cheerful.

Improve Your Diet

Start or continue to incorporate healthy foods into your daily diet to ensure that you are getting all of the nutrients you require to support your body and a growing baby, including iron and folate.

Continue Taking Your Vitamins

It is not always possible to receive all of the nourishment you require from diet alone, so begin or continue to take prenatal vitamins. Vitamins aren't a replacement for a healthy diet, but they can help fill in the gaps.


Week 3 heralds the miraculous rebirth of fresh life. You can't feel or see it yet, but it's making its way to your uterus, where it'll find the ideal place to call home for the next 37 weeks.

Implantation could happen this week, but it's more likely that your small creation will connect and begin the next stage of growth next week. A positive early home pregnancy test is also possible at the end of week 4.


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